

Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)

Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) serve as a valuable mechanism to promote collaboration, knowledge exchange, and skill development among researchers from different countries.

Call for STSM applications

Open call – Jan 1st 2025

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) are exchange visits aimed at supporting individual mobility and training of researchers and innovators through general activities of Working Groups. These visits must take place at a host organization located in a country different from that of your affiliation.

STSM applicants must be enrolled in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow (completion of their PhD within the last eight years). An STSM ought to support the scientific advancement of the FLAVOURsome COST Action while simultaneously providing participants with access to unique data, instruments, and methodologies that are unavailable within their own institutions and enabling them to acquire new skills. Senior researchers and principal investigators may also apply to STSMs in order to create new scientific partnerships and draft funding proposals.

Only participants in the Action who have their primary connection with a legal organization situated in a European RTD Organization, a COST Near Neighbour Country, or a COST Full or Cooperating Member country are eligible to apply.

Each year, a small number of STSMs will be granted for technology transfer and training across laboratories in various member nations enrolled in the Action, as specified by the COST framework rules. The last day of the short-term scientific mission should be no later than 30th September to guarantee the reimbursement

The STSM are exclusive for active members of the FLAVOURsome COST Action enrolled in one or more working groups (Apply here to join if you are not a member of our Action yet).

A minimum of five working days (=one week), and a maximum of three months are recommended for STSMs. Longer STSMs might be requested for special cases (to a maximum of 6 months).

Financial support is a contribution to the costs of a STSM; it may not necessarily cover all the costs in each case. The grant should cover only travel expenses, accommodation and daily subsistence. Generally, an STSM may not exceed 3000 euros in total up to three months.

A maximum of 400 euros for travel is recommended but not obligatory.

The calculation of the maximum subsistence depends on the host country (FLAVOURsome use country correction coefficients – CCC provided by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, Horizon Europe work programme) and the duration of the visit. The base level of subsistence rates for 2024-2025 are:

First 5 days (X) – 95 EUR per day

From day 6 to day 15 (Y) – 50 EUR per day

From day 16 forward (Z) – 30 EUR per day

To calculate the estimation of the budget required, use the following formula:

Final amount = [CCC x [(Xx95) + (Yx50) + (Zx30)]] + Travel

The requested amount should be justified.

Applications will be collected and evaluated on the 25th of each month, considering the following criteria:

  • Budget: A maximum of 60% of the yearly STSM budget may be spent on a single round of evaluation. Where necessary, applications will be ranked accordingly.
  • Involvement in the Action: Both the sending (supervisor) and hosting lab (host contact person) shall be actively involved in FLAVOURsome Action, e., listed as MC or WG members on the COST website.
  • Relevance to current WG activities: The application must clearly demonstrate the links to WG goals and activities for the budget period.
  • Repetitive applications: Applications by the same individual to visit the same lab may be discarded unless properly justified. It will also be taken into account if applicants have previously received an STSM grant from this COST Action to visit a lab.

The Evaluation Committee will discard applications failing any of the above policies even in the presence of remaining funds. Applicants shall not receive different overlapping grants during the same grant period.

Step 1 – Complete electronic application form here, which must include:

  • Title;
  • Start and end date (within the active Grant Period, e., STSM must end before 30th Sept);
  • Budget requested by the applicant;
  • Information about the host institution and contact person.

Step 2 – upload to e-COST supporting documents:

  • Application form describing: Goals, description of the work to be carried out by the applicant, expected outcomes and description of the contribution to the Action MoU objectives (Completed form here)
  • Applicant must upload their CV in e-COST profile
  • Confirmation of the host on the agreement from the host institution in receiving the applicant;
  • Supporting letter from the supervisor (only applicable for YRs)
  • Motivation letter
  • Justification for the budget (estimate for travel expenses, accommodation, daily allowance, etc.).

Please review these instructions before applying for this grant. Also, you can watch this video and/or consult the COST Annotated Rules (Annex 2) for information about COST rules and procedures for STSM Grant applications, including maximum amount that can be granted.

You can conduct your STSM at any laboratory within a host organization located in a country different from your affiliation. If you are uncertain about where to carry out your STSM and are seeking a host laboratory, the following list can serve as a starting point. It features FLAVOURsome researchers who are willing to host you, along with details of their areas of expertise, availability, and contact information.

Within 2 weeks after the end of each month, the Evaluation Committee will make the assessment and the Grant Award and STSM Coordinators will inform the Grant Holder and the selected applicant(s).

The Grant Holder will send to the applicant an acceptance letter with information on the approval of the proposal and the level of the financial grant given. If the final terms of the grant are accepted, the applicant must return the acceptance letter with a signature.

Any scientific production resulting from your stay —such as publications, oral or poster presentations at conferences, technical reports, etc.— must include an acknowledgment to the FLAVOURsome COST Action, following these instructions.

Moreover, between 1 day and 10 days after the end of the STSM, the grantee receives a reminder to upload the report. The grantee must complete the report template (, upload, and submit it in the e-COST along with additional supporting documents:

  • Certificate of Completion of the STSM signed by the host supervisor (use this template)

The reporting and claim for payment must be submitted within 30 days after the end date of the activity and no later than 15 days of the grant period’s completion, or within a shorter period requested by the grant holder or grant awarding coordinator in order to meet reporting and/or reimbursement requirements.

Presentations at Conferences

This kind of grants are aimed at promoting the visibility, impact, and dissemination of the Action’s scientific outcomes. The grants support researchers in presenting their work at conferences, workshops, or seminars, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and ideas within and beyond the COST network. There are three types of grants:

ITC Conference Grants specifically aim to enhance the participation of researchers from Inclusiveness Target Countries, ensuring a broader and more diverse representation in international scientific events;

YRI Conference Grants aim to promote the participation of young researchers in international scientific events.

Dissemination Grants, on the other hand, focus on promoting the broader communication of the Action’s achievements, extending the impact of the research to a wider audience.

These grants align with the COST Action’s goals of fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the advancement of scientific priorities, contributing to the overall success and effectiveness of the Action.

ITC Conference Grants (ITC CG)

Call for ITC CGs applications

Open call – Jan 1st 2025

The main goal of ITC Conference Grants (ITC CGs) is to provide financial support for researchers participating in FLAVOURSome COST Action from participating Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs) and Near Neighbour Country (NNC) to attend international scientific and technological conferences (face to face or online) that are not specifically organised by the COST Action in order to present an oral communication.

Participants in FLAVOURsome Action, who have their principal affiliation with a legal body situated in an ITC or NNC, are eligible to apply.

A number of ITC conference grants will be financed each year as defined by the rules of the COST framework and depending on the allocated budget for ITC CGs. Applications are accepted from researchers aiming to disseminate their own research work within the FLAVOURsome COST Action scientific topics through an oral communication in a high-level conference fully organized by a third party, which could be face to face or online.

The current list of ITCs includes Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine. The Near Neighbour Countries (NNCs) include Algeria, Azerbaijan, Egypt, The Faroe Islands, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, and Tunisia.

The ITC CG are exclusive for researchers from ITC and NNC who are actively enrolled in one or more working groups of the FLAVOURsome COST Action (Apply here to join if you are not a member of our Action yet).

The applicant should be listed in the official event/conference program to deliver an oral presentation. The main subject of the oral presentation must be on the topics of the Action and must acknowledge COST. Attendance at face to face European conferences is preferred. However, conferences held elsewhere can also be considered.

We are only accepting applications for conferences taking place until October 10th, 2025.

  • Applications will be collected and evaluated on the 25th of each month, considering the following points:
  • Budget: One call for applications may use up to 40% of the annual ITC-CG budget. Applications will be ranked appropriately when needed.
  • Participation in the Action: The applicant shall be listed as MC or WG members and have an active participation in FLAVOURsome activities.
  • Relevance to the WG activities: The application must clearly demonstrate the links to WG goals and activities.
  • High-level events: European high-profile face to face scientific events will be strongly preferred. Justification for relevance to FLAVOURsome Action is required.
  • Repetitive applications: Successive applications by the same individual will be discarded, unless properly justified. It will be also considered if applicants have been previously granted by an ITC CG from this COST Action.

The Evaluation Committee will discard applications failing any of the above points, even in the presence of remaining funds. Applicants shall not receive different overlapping grants during the same grant period.

Step 1 – Complete electronic application form here.

  • Title
  • Start and end date of the conference (within the active Grant Period, e. the conference must conclude before Oct 10th);
  • Budget requested by the applicant (registration fee, travel expenses, accommodation and estimation of daily subsistence);
  • Attendance Type (face to face or online).

Step 2 – upload to e-COST the supporting documents:

  • ITC Conference grant application;
  • Copy of the abstract of the accepted oral presentation;
  • Acceptance or invitation letter from the conference organizers;
  • Justification for the budget (travel expenses, accommodation, and registration fee).

Please review these instructions before applying for this grant. Also, you can consult the COST Annotated Rules (Annex 2) for information about COST rules and procedures for ITC Conference Grant applications, including maximum amount that can be granted.

Within 2 weeks after the end of each month, the Evaluation Committee will make the assessment and the Grant Award Coordinator will inform the Grant Holder and the selected applicant(s).

The Grant Holder will send to the Applicant an acceptance letter in which s/he is informed about the approval of the proposal and the level of the financial grant given. The Applicant must return this acceptance letter, after accepting the grant with his/her signature.

The Grantees must include the corresponding Acknowledgments in their communication presented at the conference, following these instructions.

Between 1 day and 10 days after the end of the conference, the grantee receives a reminder to upload the report. The reporting and claim for payment must be submitted within 30 days after the end date of the activity and no later than 15 days before the grant period’s completion, or within a shorter period requested by the grant holder or grant awarding coordinator in order to meet reporting and/or reimbursement requirements.

The grantee must complete the report template (, upload, and submit it in e-COST along with additional supporting documents:

  • Certificate of attendance signed by the conference organizers
  • Programme of the conference or book of abstracts/proceedings with the oral presentation
  • Copy of the given oral presentation, which must include the corresponding acknowledgments

Young Researcher and Innovator Conference Grants (YRI CGs)

Call for YRI CGs applications

Open call – Jan 1st 2025

The main goal of YRI CGs is to provide financial support for Young Researchers and Innovators (YRI) participating in FLAVOURSome COST Action to present their own work (through poster or oral presentations) in an international scientific and technological conferences (face to face or online) that are not specifically organised by the COST Action.

Young Researchers and Innovators (YRI), defined as participants in the FLAVOURsome Action who are under 40 years old, are eligible to apply.

A number of YRI conference grants will be financed each year as defined by the rules of the COST framework and depending on the allocated budget for YRI CGs. Applications are accepted from young researchers and innovators aiming to disseminate their own research work within the FLAVOURsome COST Action scientific topics through a poster or oral communication in a high-level conference fully organized by a third party, which could be face to face or online.

The YRI CG are exclusive for young researchers and innovators who are actively enrolled in one or more working groups of the FLAVOURsome COST Action (Apply here to join if you are not a member of our Action yet).

The applicant should be listed in the official event/conference program to deliver a poster or oral presentation. The main subject of the presentation must be on the topics of the Action and must acknowledge COST. Attendance at face to face European conferences is preferred. However, conferences held elsewhere can also be considered.

We are only accepting applications for conferences taking place until October 10th, 2025.

  • Applications will be collected and evaluated on the 25th of each month, considering the following points:
  • Budget: One call for applications may use up to 40% of the annual YRI-CG budget. Applications will be ranked appropriately when needed.
  • Participation in the Action: The applicant and the supervisor shall be listed as MC or WG members and have an active participation in FLAVOURsome activities.
  • Relevance to the WG activities: The application must clearly demonstrate the links to WG goals and activities.
  • High-level events: European high-profile face to face scientific events will be strongly preferred. Justification for relevance to FLAVOURsome Action is required.
  • Repetitive applications: Successive applications by the same individual will be discarded, unless properly justified. It will be also considered if applicants have been previously granted by an ITC CG from this COST Action.

The Evaluation Committee will discard applications failing any of the above points, even in the presence of remaining funds. Applicants shall not receive different overlapping grants during the same grant period.

Step 1 – Complete electronic application form here.

  • Title of the presentation
  • Conference title
  • Start and end date of the conference (within the active Grant Period, e. the conference must conclude before Oct 10th);
  • Budget requested by the applicant (registration fee, travel expenses, accommodation and estimation of daily subsistence);
  • Information about the conference (face to face or online) and contribution type (poster or oral presentation).

Step 2 – upload to e-COST the supporting documents:

  • YRI Conference grant application;
  • Copy of the abstract of the accepted poster or oral presentation;
  • Acceptance or invitation letter from the conference organizers;
  • Supporting letter from your supervisor;
  • Justification for the budget (travel expenses, accommodation, and registration fee).

Please review these instructions before applying for this grant. Also, you can consult the COST Annotated Rules (Annex 2) for information about COST rules and procedures for YRI Conference Grant applications, including maximum amount that can be granted.

Within 2 weeks after the end of each month, the Evaluation Committee will make the assessment and the Grant Award Coordinator will inform the Grant Holder and the selected applicant(s).

The Grant Holder will send to the Applicant an acceptance letter in which s/he is informed about the approval of the proposal and the level of the financial grant given. The Applicant must return this acceptance letter, after accepting the grant with his/her signature.

The Grantees must include the corresponding Acknowledgments in their communication presented at the conference, following these instructions.

Between 1 day and 10 days after the end of the conference, the grantee receives a reminder to upload the report. The reporting and claim for payment must be submitted within 30 days after the end date of the activity and no later than 15 days before the grant period’s completion, or within a shorter period requested by the grant holder or grant awarding coordinator in order to meet reporting and/or reimbursement requirements.

The grantee must complete the report template (which will be available in e-COST), upload, and submit it in e-COST along with additional supporting documents:

  • Certificate of attendance signed by the conference organizers
  • Programme of the conference or book of abstracts/proceedings with the presentation (poster or oral)
  • Copy of the given presentation (poster or oral), which must include the corresponding acknowledgments.