9th 11th April, Dresden (Germany)
Organizer: Thommas Hummel
Aim: Get knowledge and first-hand experience in the physiology, pathophysiology, brain integration and language of the chemoreception.
Lecturers and trainers: Charles Spence (University of Oxford, UK); Thierry Thomas-Danguin, (INRAe, Dijon, France); Thomas Höberg, (Stockholm University, Sweden); Yalda Moayedi (NYU College of Dentistry, USA ), Melania Melis, (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy)
Local organizer team: Mariano Mastinu, Antje Hähner, Coralie Mignot, Kwangsu Kim, Kristina Hernandez, Susanne Weise, Yling Mai, Zetian Li, Shubin Li, Martin Witt, Janine Gellrich, and Thommas Hummel
Location: Smell & Taste Clinic, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, ‘‘Technische Universität Dresden’’, (Dresden, Germany)
Social dinner location: Genussatelier (https://www.genuss-atelier.net/en/), Bautzner Str. 149, Dresden (costs per person 65 Euro, not covering drinks)
Deadline for abstract submission: 15th January
Do you want to participate?
Prepare your CV, short motivation letter to attend training school and fill out the form: https://forms.gle/DsGbAGDNRGyJcNtK7
How to participate and attend the Advanced Training School?
- Be a FLAVOURsome participants
- Fill the form and attach CV and motivation letter: https://forms.gle/DsGbAGDNRGyJcNtK7
- The organizing committee will select applications to guarantee gender balance, early career researchers (PhD students and Junior postdocs), and geographic distribution.
- It is limited to 10 participants